Example volume scan procedure, Types of volume scans, Setting volume ranges for volume scan – HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual

Page 71: 71 types of volume scans, 71 setting volume ranges for volume scan

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Example volume scan procedure

Types of volume scans

Replication Manager uses one of three available scanning methods to discover mainframe volumes:

This method discovers volumes recognized by the mainframe host within a specified

Local scan

This method discovers volumes within a specified storage system and LDEV range. As a
prerequisite, a local scan (Gen'ed) must be performed on the scan target storage system.
This method discovers volumes even if the mainframe host does not recognize them.

Local scan (Non

This method discovers volumes within a specified storage system and LDEV range and
requires configuration of the route list and CMD devices on the scan target storage system.
This method discovers remote volumes even if BCM does not exist on the site.

Remote scan

Replication Manager prioritizes the scan type used for discovery of the volumes in the following order:

Local scan (Gen'ed)

Local scan (Non Gen'ed)

Remote scan

Related topics

About volume scans

, page 70

Performing a volume scan

, page 73

Setting volume ranges for volume scan

You can set volume ranges for volume scan by adding or deleting volume ranges to a volume range

Adding a volume range to a volume range list

, page 72

Restrictions for adding volume ranges for volume scans

, page 72

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