Adsl through other wall jacks, Connecting the power adapter, Verifying power – NETGEAR DSL Modem Internet Gateway DG814 User Manual

Page 27: Adsl through other wall jacks -7, Connecting the power adapter -7, Verifying power -7

Adsl through other wall jacks, Connecting the power adapter, Verifying power | Adsl through other wall jacks -7, Connecting the power adapter -7, Verifying power -7 | NETGEAR DSL Modem Internet Gateway DG814 User Manual | Page 27 / 110 Adsl through other wall jacks, Connecting the power adapter, Verifying power | Adsl through other wall jacks -7, Connecting the power adapter -7, Verifying power -7 | NETGEAR DSL Modem Internet Gateway DG814 User Manual | Page 27 / 110