4 diagnostic – ZyXEL Communications ZyXEL ExpWave 240B User Manual

Page 71

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ExpWave 240B Secure Outdoor Ethernet Radio Link

System Maintenance


You need to configure the UNIX syslog parameters described in the following table to activate syslog then choose
what you want to log.

Table 11-3 System Maintenance Menu Syslog Parameters



UNIX Syslog:

Active Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to turn syslog on or off.

Syslog IP Address Enter the IP Address of the server that will log the CDR (Call Detail Record) and system

messages i.e., the syslog server.

Log Facility Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select a Local option. The log facility allows you to log

the message to different files in the server. Please refer to your UNIX manual for more details.


Filter log No filters are logged when this field is set to No. Filters with the individual filter Log Filter field set

to Yes (Menu 21.x.x).) are logged when this field is set to Yes.

When finished configuring this screen, press [ENTER] to confirm or [ESC] to cancel.

Your ExpWave sends five types of syslog messages. Some examples (not all ExpWave specific) of these syslog
messages with their message formats are shown next:

1. Filter log

Filter log Message Format
String = IP[Src=xx.xx.xx.xx Dst=xx.xx.xx.xx prot spo=xxxx dpo=xxxx] S04>R01mD

IP[…] is the packet header and S04>R01mD means filter set 4 (S) and rule 1 (R), match (m) drop (D).

Src: Source Address

Dst: Destination Address

prot: Protocol (“TCP”,”UDP”,”ICMP”)

spo: Source port
dpo: Destination port
Mar 03 10:39:43 ZyXEL:
GEN[fffffffffffnordff0080] }S05>R01mF
Mar 03 10:41:29 ZyXEL:
GEN[00a0c5f502fnord010080] }S05>R01mF
Mar 03 10:41:34 ZyXEL:
IP[Src= Dst= ICMP]}S04>R01mF
Mar 03 11:59:20 ZyXEL:
GEN[00a0c5f502fnord010080] }S05>R01mF
Mar 03 12:00:52 ZyXEL:
GEN[ffffffffffff0080] }S05>R01mF
Mar 03 12:00:57 ZyXEL:
GEN[00a0c5f502010080] }S05>R01mF
Mar 03 12:01:06 ZyXEL:
IP[Src= Dst= TCP spo=01170 dpo=00021]}S04>R01mF

11.4 Diagnostic

The diagnostic facility allows you to test the different aspects of your ExpWave to determine if it is working properly.
Menu 24.4 allows you to choose among various types of diagnostic tests to evaluate your system, as shown next.

Follow the procedure below to get to Menu 24.4 - System Maintenance – Diagnostic.

Step 1. From the main menu, select option 24 to open Menu 24 - System Maintenance.

Step 2. From this menu, select option 4. Diagnostic. This will open Menu 24.4 - System Maintenance - Diagnostic.
