5 issues, limitations, and suggested actions, Limitations, Minor issues – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual

Page 49

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5 Issues, limitations, and suggested actions

This chapter lists issues and limitations for this release, categorized as follows:


Limitations of the implemented functions and features of this release

Major issues

Issues that may significantly affect functionality and usability in this release

Minor issues

Issues that may be noticeable but do not have a significant impact on
functionality or usability


Only IO services that include virtual servers and on-premise (not cloud) resources are supported.

A Recovery Group can contain logical servers only, or IO services only, but not a mix of
logical servers and IO services.

Replica IO services cannot be flexed (add disk, add server, remove server).

Replica IO services cannot be imported to create primary services in a Matrix recovery
management configuration.

Hyper-V support limitation for bidirectional configuration

For bidirectional failover configurations, the logical servers and IO services configured in Recovery
Groups with the Local Site as the Preferred Site are required to have read-write access to the
associated storage on the Local Site. The logical servers and IO services configured in Recovery
Groups with the Remote Site as the Preferred Site may have read-only access to the associated
storage on the Local Site. Microsoft requires that all of the storage (cluster shared volume disks or
cluster disks) in the clusters where the logical servers will be activated must have read-write access.

Suggested action

Microsoft has provided a hotfix. See the Microsoft Knowledge Base article and download the
hotfix at



No automatic synchronization of configuration between sites

The configuration of Matrix recovery management at two separate sites is not automatically
synchronized, but Matrix recovery management provides configuration export and import features
that simplify this task.

Suggested actions

The Matrix recovery management online help guides you through the export and import operations.

Matrix recovery management job information is not preserved in certain scenarios

Information about previously executed Matrix recovery management Jobs is not preserved when
the Matrix recovery management configuration is restored using the HP Insight mxsync utility.

Minor issues

Firefox browser cannot be used for site export operations

Firefox browser cannot be used to perform Matrix recovery management site configuration export
operations, due to a bug in Adobe Flash Player 10.3. For more information, see Bug 2980517
on the Adobe web site.

Suggested actions

Use Internet Explorer 8 or later to perform Matrix recovery management site configuration export


