Deleting a license, Import license file window appears too small – HP Storage Essentials NAS Manager Software User Manual

Page 206

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Managing Licenses


The MALs are split into three properties, LICENSE_FSRM_SIZE_TB, LICENSE_MAL_DATABASE,

LICENSE_MAL_EXCHANGE. See the following list for the properties used for tracking MAPs

and MALs:
• LICENSE_FSRM_SIZE_TB - The amount of space in Terabytes you are allowed for File

System Viewer.

• LICENSE_MAL_DATABASE - The number of database application instances the

management server is allowed to monitor, such as Oracle and Sybase Adaptive Server


• LICENSE_MAL_EXCHANGE - The number of Microsoft Exchange instances the management

server is allowed to monitor.

• LICENSE_MAPS - The number of MAPs the management software can manage.

Deleting a License


Before you delete a license, make sure you have made a copy of it. If you delete the

wrong license, you may lose access to certain features and/or access to the product. The

management server saves the license files in the
%MGR_DIST%\Data\Licenses directory.

To delete a license:


Click Deploy > License Manager > Storage Essentials > Manage Storage Essentials

in HP Systems Insight Manager.


Click Licenses from the drop-down menu.


Click the button corresponding to the license you want to delete.

Import License File Window Appears Too Small

If you have the DPI (dots per inch) setting on your monitor set too high, scroll bars may appear on

the Import License File window because not all of the text and/or buttons on the Import License File

window can fit.
The higher your DPI setting, the higher the resolution, which means text and buttons occupy more

space in the user interface. For example on Windows operating systems, a button that takes up 1

inch of square space with a DPI setting of 96 will take up 1.25 inches of square space when the

DPI is set to 120 (125 normal size).

To view the Import License File window properly, you must reset your DPI to a lower setting. Refer

to the documentation for your operating system for more information.
To reset the DPI on Windows XP:


Right-click your desktop, and select Properties.


Click the Settings tab. Then, click the Advanced button.


Click the General tab.
