1 routing inputs to outputs, 2 disconnecting the outputs, 3 storing and recalling a setup – Kramer Electronics VS-66HDCPxl User Manual

Page 19: Operating the vs-66hdcpxl 6x6 dvi matrix switcher, Routing inputs to outputs, Disconnecting the outputs, Storing and recalling a setup

1 routing inputs to outputs, 2 disconnecting the outputs, 3 storing and recalling a setup | Operating the vs-66hdcpxl 6x6 dvi matrix switcher, Routing inputs to outputs, Disconnecting the outputs, Storing and recalling a setup | Kramer Electronics VS-66HDCPxl User Manual | Page 19 / 30 1 routing inputs to outputs, 2 disconnecting the outputs, 3 storing and recalling a setup | Operating the vs-66hdcpxl 6x6 dvi matrix switcher, Routing inputs to outputs, Disconnecting the outputs, Storing and recalling a setup | Kramer Electronics VS-66HDCPxl User Manual | Page 19 / 30