Status at the end of a program, Indication after successful start – JULABO FW95-SL Ultra-Low Refrigerated Circulators User Manual
Page 38

Menu functions
Status at the end of a program
Program end
StdBy , PSetp, Setp 1, Setp 2 , Setp 3
This parameter is used to determine if the unit switches to the -OFF-
condition at the end of a profile or if temperature control is continued,
and the working temperature setpoint that is to be used if
temperature control is continued.
StdBy – If the end of the profile is reached, the circulator switches to
the -OFF- condition. The VFD display indicates the working
temperature setpoint that was displayed in line 2 before the program
was started (example: S 25.00 °C ).
PSetp –(Setpoint of the ProGrammer) At the end of the program, the
setpoint of the last program step is written to the position of setpoint 3
(example: 80.00 °C) and indicated in line 1 of the LCD display. The
circulator operates and controls to this temperature until the key
is pressed or a new profile is started.
Setp 1, Setp 2, Setp 3 – (“Setp” short for Setpoint)
Before starting the programmer, a temperature value is set for one of
the three setpoints in the
(example: setpoint 2 58.00 °C)
The circulator operates and controls to this temperature at the end of
the profile until the key
is pressed or a new program is started.
Indication after successful start
The started programmer displays the currently calculated setpoint in line
1. The value changes until the final temperature of the section is reached
(temperature ramp).
Setpoint of the programmer
Actual temperature value
for internal control = IntAct: xxx.xx
for external control = ExtAct: xxx.xx
Selected profile and the current section (step).
With the
keys, the following information can be
displayed in line 4.
• Remaining time of the current section (standard display)
• Total remaining time: profile x number of repetitions
(All: Days/hours:minutes:seconds)
Particularities :
1. If a total time of more than 999 days is calculated, only the hours
are displayed by the unit.
(All: hours:minutes:seconds)
2. If the time period of a section is edited after the start, then the
remaining total time can no longer be displayed.