Final check out and start up, 1 inspect the following, 2 perform the following – Paxton Superchargers Carbureted Mustang Novi 2000 User Manual

Page 33: 3 check for the following, Final check out and start up -1, Inspect the following -1, Perform the following -1, Check for the following -1

Final check out and start up, 1 inspect the following, 2 perform the following | 3 check for the following, Final check out and start up -1, Inspect the following -1, Perform the following -1, Check for the following -1 | Paxton Superchargers Carbureted Mustang Novi 2000 User Manual | Page 33 / 38 Final check out and start up, 1 inspect the following, 2 perform the following | 3 check for the following, Final check out and start up -1, Inspect the following -1, Perform the following -1, Check for the following -1 | Paxton Superchargers Carbureted Mustang Novi 2000 User Manual | Page 33 / 38