IBM 3770 User Manual

Page 17

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Demo User’s Guide


Command Syntax Description

DIAL xxx-xxx-xxxx [/t=x | /m=x]

Auto-dial string xxx-xxx-xxxx.
/t=x - Time-out after x seconds.
/m=x - Time-out after x minutes.


Disconnect the line.


Close a pipe.

EXCH name [/n | /s] [/a] [/b] [/t]

Define the exchange device.
/n, /s, /a, /b, /t - See PTR command.

EXEC [/c] [/e] filename [args]

Execute filename with given arguments.
/c - Clear the screen before and after


/e - Pass the last return code as the 1st


FORM formname

Set form values from pre-defined formname.

FORM pl=x tm=x bm=x lm=x

Set form values as specified:

rm=x ch2=x ch3=x

pl=x - Set page length to x.

ch4=x ch5=x ch6=x

tm=x - Set top margin to x.

ch7=x ch8=x ch9=x

bm=x - Set bottom margin to x.

ch10=x ch11=x ch12=x

lm=x - Set left margin to x.

ff=[y | n] dtf=[y | n]

rm=x - Set right margin to x.
chy=x - Set channel y to x.
ff=x - Decode form feeds (y or n).
dtf=x - Delete top of form (y or n).

GOTO label

Branch to label.

HOST_FORM /on | /off

Turn host form specification via FCBNAME
on or off.

HOST_NAMING /o | /f | /j | /e

/o - Disable host naming of received file.

/f - Allow FORMS field to name received file.
/j - Allow JOBNAME field to name received


/e - Allow either JOBNAME or FORMS field

to name received file, with JOBNAME
having priority.

IF label1[, label2]

If error, loop to label1 until LOOPCOUNT
exceeded. If no error, branch to label2.


If error, branch to label.

IFERROR= nnnn label

If error code equal to nnnn, branch to label.

IFERROR> nnnn label

If error code greater then nnnn, branch to
