Healthy climate, Power and bypass humidifiers, The problem of dry indoor air – Lenoxx Electronics Whole-Home Humidifiers User Manual

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Dry air is not good for your family’s comfort—or health. Too little

moisture inside your home can cause skin irritation, sore throats and

respiratory problems,** not to mention annoying static shocks. It can

also damage home furnishings, making the wood in furniture and floors

shrink, warp and crack.

Healthy Climate


Power and Bypass Humidifiers

Help control problems
associated with dry indoor
air, providing optimal
comfort and air quality

Work with your central
comfort system to add
moisture as needed to
circulated indoor air



design provides even
water distribution for
optimal moisture


5-year limited warranty
on covered components.

* Applies to residential applications

only. See actual warranty certificate

for details.

** Exposure to excessively dry air (relative

humidity of less than 0%) can cause

respiratory irritation. Source: American

Academy of Allergy, Asthma and


The Problem of Dry InDoor AIr

A phrase commonly associated with moisture in the air is relative humidity

(RH), the percentage of water vapor in the air in relation to how much water

the air can hold at a given temperature. In the winter, the air in your home

is much drier because as the cold air is heated, it expands, causing the

relative humidity level to decrease.

WInTer InDoor humIDITy levels

The Perfect solution to Dry Indoor Air

Healthy Climate


humidifiers, working together with your central comfort

system, help maintain just-right moisture levels. With three capacities and
two control options, you can trust Healthy Climate humidifiers to provide
the right solution for your home’s needs.

Why Portable humidifiers Aren’t the best Choice

Portable humidifiers are designed only for use in a specific room, not the
whole home, and require constant filling. Also, the filter in typical tabletop
humidifiers or vaporizers requires constant cleaning because it can quickly
become clogged with dirt, bacteria and mold.





