MSD 8738 Soft Touch Rev Control for use with MSD 6T Installation User Manual
Msd soft touch rev control

• w w w . m s d i g n i t i o n . c o m • ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0 • FA X ( 9 1 5 ) 8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4
Figure 1 Cylinder Programming Loops.
MSD Soft Touch Rev Control
PN 8738
Note: This Rev Control must be used with the MSD 6T, 6TN or 6-HVC Ignition Control.
Parts Included:
1 - Rev Control
4 - RPM Modules, 3,000, 6,000, 7,000, 8,000 rpm
4 - Mounting Screws
4 - Heat-Shrink Sleeves
PRogRaMMiNg foR 4, 6 oR 8-CyliNDeR eNgiNeS
The Rev Control will operate with 4, 6 or 8-cylinder engines. It is programmed at the factory for 8-
cylinder engines, but can be easily modified. To program the Control, remove the phillip screws and
round cover on the side of control and modify the wire loops as shown in Figure 1.
Make sure the Harness of the Rev limiter reaches the harness of
the GM Heavy Duty Ignition Control. Install the mounting pads
and sleeves as shown in Figure 2. The tapered side of the sleeve
should face down.
The Control can be mounted in the engine compartment as long
as it is away from direct engine heat sources. Use the Control as
a template and mark the mounting holes. Drill the holes with an
1/8” bit and install the supplied screws.
After installing and programming the Control, connect the 4-pin
connector to the Ignition's matching connector.
SeTTiNg a liMiT
Plug your desired RPM Module into the module receptacle. If an RPM Module is not installed, the
engine will run but there will not be a limit.
After cutting the Loop(s), seal the ends with the
supplied Heat Shrink Caps. Install them over the
bare wire ends and apply a small amount of heat
so the connector will shrink and seal the wire
ends. This will prevent the wires from shorting
together and seal them from water.
Figure 2 Mounting Pads.