Quick start, Introduction – PASCO PS-2120A Rotary Motion Sensor User Manual

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M o d e l N o . P S - 2 1 2 0 A

Q u i c k S t a r t


Quick Start

Plug the Sensor Plug into a PASPORT input port of
a PASPORT-compatible PASCO interface (such as
the 850 Universal Interface or SPARK SLS).)

Start the PASCO data acquisition software (such as
PASCO Capstone or SPARKvue). Set up a data dis-
play in the software.

Click or press ‘START’ to begin recording data.
Turn the shaft of the Rotary Motion Sensor.


The PASCO PS-2120A Rotary Motion Sensor is a versatile position and motion measur-
ing device. It measures angles to a resolution of 0.09°, and detects the direction of
motion. Markings on the outside of the case indicate which is the default positive direc-
tion. The optical code wheel inside the sensor has 4000 divisions per revolution (360°),
and the maximum speed is 30 revolutions per second.

The sensor comes with a removable three-step pulley (10 millimeter (mm), 29 mm, and
48 mm diameters), and a rubber “O”-ring that fits into the largest diameter step. The
three-step pulley can be attached to either end of the shaft, and can be placed large-diameter down or large-diam-
eter up on the shaft. A tab on the inside of the pulley matches a notch on the outside of the shaft. The pulley has
a notch and a small hole in the outer edge of the largest and second largest steps for attaching a string. The
included hex key (allen wrench) allows the rod clamp to be removed from the end of the sensor and mounted on
either the right-hand or left-hand side. The hex key fits in the storage hole near one end of the sensor and is held
in place by a rubber “O”-ring inside the sensor..

The end of the sensor where the cord exits the case has a platform for mounting a Super Pulley with Table Clamp
(not included). The T-slot through the sensor is for inserting the optional Linear Motion Accessory rack
(CI-6888). The gear teeth on the rack mesh with the gear teeth on the optical code wheel inside the sensor.

Equipment used with the sensor

Equipment used with the sensor

Mini-Rotational Accessory (CI-6691)

Physical Pendulum Set (ME-9833)

Linear Motion Accessory (CI-6888)

Torsion Pendulum Accessory (ME-6894)

Chaos/Driven Harmonic Accessory (CI-6689A)

Track String Adapter (ME-6569)

“A” Base Rotational Adapter (CI-6690

Centripetal Force Pendulum (ME-9821)

Gyroscope Mounting Bracket (ME-8963)

Linear Translator (OS-8535)

Dynamics Track Mount Accessory (CI-6692)

Polarization Analyzer (OS-8533A)

Three-Step Pulley Accessory (CI-6693)

Computer-Based Thermal Expansion (TD-8579)

Rotating Platform (ME-8951)

Three-Axis Gyroscope (ME-8960)

Sensor Plug




input port

SETUP: For information on setting up the data acquisition software and recording data,
refer to the User’s Guide for the data acquisition software.

Direction indicator


