Starting an intracluster remote replication task, Starting a run-once directory replication task, Stopping a remote replication task – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 140: Pausing a remote replication task, Resuming a remote replication task, Querying remote replication tasks

background image

ibrix_crr –s -o –f srcFs –S a/b/c –C tcluster –F destFs –X 1/2/3 –P


The replication now goes to /destFs/1/2/3/a/b/c{contents_under_c}.

Starting an intracluster remote replication task

Use the following command to start a continuous or run-once intracluster replication task for the
specified file system:

ibrix_crr -s -f SRC_FSNAME [-o [-S SRCDIR]] -F TGT_FSNAME [-P TGTDIR]

The -F option specifies the name of the target file system (the default is the same as the source file
system). The -P option specifies the target directory under the target file system (the default is the
root of the file system).

Use the -o option to start a run-once task. The -S option specifies a directory under the source
file system to synchronize with the target directory.

Starting a run-once directory replication task

Use the following command to start a run-once directory replication for file system SRC_FSNAME.
The -S option specifies the directory under the source file system to synchronize with the target
directory. The -P option specifies the target directory.

ibrix_crr -s -f SRC_FSNAME -o -S SRCDIR -P TGTDIR

Stopping a remote replication task

Use the following command to stop a continuous or run-once replication task. Use the ibrix_task

command to obtain the appropriate ID.

ibrix_crr -k –n TASKID

The stopped replication task is moved to the inactive task list. Use ibrix_task -l -c to view
the inactive task list.

To forcefully stop a replication task, use the following command:

ibrix_crr -k –n TASKID

The stopped task is removed from the list of inactive tasks.

Pausing a remote replication task

Use the following command to pause a continuous replication or run-once replication task with the
specified task ID. Use the ibrix_task -l command to obtain the appropriate ID.

ibrix_crr -p –n TASKID

Resuming a remote replication task

Use the following command to resume a continuous or run-once replication task with the specified
task ID. Use the ibrix_task -l command to obtain the appropriate ID.

ibrix_crr -r –n TASKID

Querying remote replication tasks

Use the following command to list all active replication tasks in the cluster, optionally restricted by
the specified file system and servers.


To see more detailed information, run ibrix_crr with the -i option. The display shows the status
of tasks on each node, as well as task summary statistics (number of files in the queue, number of
files processed). The query also indicates whether scanning is in progress on a given server and
lists any error conditions.

140 Using remote replication
