The background of the analog four – Elektron Analog Four User Manual

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Some things never go out of style. They seem to possess an inner, timeless quality, an objective trait that sets
them apart from the rest. Makes them stand out. They can be found in all areas of human activity, throughout
history. From science to art, literature to architecture, photography to theatre - works of art embodying the
essence of these expressions are found everywhere. Including, of course, within the domain of sound.

Making and shaping sound using analog circuits goes far back in time. Initially used in compositions dating from
the first decades of the 20th century, analog circuits were popularized in the 1960s thanks to artists such as
Wendy Carlos. Today, they are frequently emulated by both hardware and software. Their legacy is impressive.
The analog tone and timbre has become synonymous with appealing sounds. Rightly so. The depth, fullness
and slightly skewed characteristics of analog sounds speak directly to us. As the French poet Baudelaire noted:
“Irregularity, in other words the unexpected, the surprising, the astonishing, are essential to and characteristic of
beauty.” (Intimate Journals, 1930).

We at Elektron owe a lot to analog technology. It is in our blood. The Sidstation, our first product, featured an
analog filter which was decisive in generating the unique sound of the synth. With the Analog Four we return, in
a sense, back to where we started. Only this time we bring the knowledge and experience gained from the
development of instruments like the Machinedrum, Monomachine and Octatrack. The result, we can confidently
claim, is the best of two worlds. Rich, warm and lucent analog sound, combined with the accuracy and precision
only state of the art digital control can achieve. This makes the Analog Four not only a perfect match for our
existing product lines - the instrument is also ideal for any modern studio or live setup in need of that inimitable
analog sound.

The Analog Four is our contribution to the proud history of analog instruments.

Enjoy the power of true hardware,

The Elektron Team

ANALOG FOUR REFERENCE MANUAL for operating system version 1.12. This manual is copyright © 2014 Elektron Music Machines MAV AB.
All reproduction without written authorization is strictly prohibited. The information in this manual may change without notice. Elektron’s product
names, logotypes, titles, words or phrases may be registered and protected by Swedish and international law. All other brand or product names
are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
