3 program run control, 4 non-breaking debugging, 3 program run control -5 – Solvline LemonIDE Ver 1.0c User Manual

Page 44: 4 non-breaking debugging -5

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Chapter 6. LemonIDE Debugger


6.3.3 Program Run Control

“Debug Execution View”provides commands to control program execution during debugging.

Main commands used to control program execution are as follows:

Resume: Continue until the next breakpoint.

Suspend: Pause the program.

Terminate: Terminate the debugging session completely.

Step into: Continue to the next line, and move into a function when there is one.

Step over: Continue to the next line, but do not enter a function.

Step return: Execute until the end of a function

6.4 Non-Breaking Debugging

This chapter will introduce Non-Breaking Debugging.

While Breakpoint Debugging debugs by lines appointed by the breakpoints, Non-Breaking
Debuggings stores the results at specific points appointed by Tracepoints and brings back execution
status using the stored information after the debugging is finished.

6.4.1 Modifying compiling environment & Executing debugging

As mentioned in “6.1.2 Cautions when setting compile options”, MakeFile must be modified for

debugging. In the image below optimization option is removed, options are modified to use breakpoint
debugging, STRIP is removed so that execution module will not be compressed..

After modifying and saving Makefile, recompile hello.c so that it can be debugged,

CFLAGS = -gstabs+ -Wall -Wno-nonnull

hello : hello.o
rm -f $@

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) -o $@ [email protected]

# $(STRIP) $@

Resume (continue)

Step into

Step over (next)

Step return (finish)
