Voicecards, Diy voicecard – Erica Synths Pico System III Eurorack Modular Synthesizer System (Eurorack Module) User Manual

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The Pico System III comes with 5 “factory preset”


1) LPG Techno

2) Synthesizer, Synthesizer

3) Space Computer

4) Drone Master

5) Droid Breakdance

“Factory preset” voicecard internal connections and

relevant positions of the potentiometers and

switches are shown in the patch examples below.


The DIY voicecard allows user to build a custom

patch by soldering small wires on the voicecard.

The voicecard replicates the layout of the system,

so, building a patch on the voicecard is similar to

patching the system. You will need a soldering iron

and small wires to build a patch on the voicecard (if

you do not have soldering tools, ask a friend!). You

can mimic a stackable patchcables by routing same

output to several inputs on the voicecard. And don’t

forget to name the voicecard – invent a name of the

patch and use a permanent marker to write the

name on the white area of the voicecard!
