Motorola DSP96002 User Manual
Page 197

A - 9
Note 28
All ? bits - If SR is specified as a destination operand, set according to the corresponding bit of
the source operand. Not affected otherwise.
Note 29
All ? bits - If SR is specified as destination operand, and A,
R, LR, I, N, Z, V or C is selected,
then the selected bit will be changed. If SR is not specified, then C will be set if bit #n of the
source operand is set and cleared if bit #n of the source operand is set. Not affected otherwise.
Note 30
All ? bits - If SR is specified as destination operand, and A,
R, LR, I, N, Z, V or C is selected,
then the selected bit will be cleared. If SR is not specified, then C will be set if bit #n of the
source operand is set set and cleared if bit #n of the source operand is set. Not affected oth-
Note 31
All ? bits - If SR is specified as destination operand, and A,
R, LR, I, N, Z, V or C is selected,
then the selected bit will be set. If SR is not specified, then C will be set if bit #n of the source
operand is set set and cleared if bit #n of the source operand is set. Not affected otherwise.
Note 32
A - Cleared if result is negative without overflow. Cleared if result is positive with overflow. Not
affected otherwise.
Note 33
LR - Cleared if result is positive without overflow. Cleared if result is negative with overflow. Not
affected otherwise.
Note 34
R - Cleared if LR was set and result is negative without overflow. Cleared if LR was set and
result is positive with overflow. Not affected otherwise.
Note 35
A - Cleared if result is a NaN. Cleared if result is negative and not zero. Not affected otherwise.
Note 36
LR - Cleared if result is positive, zero or NaN. Not affected otherwise.
Note 37
R - Cleared if result is a NaN. Not affected otherwise.
Note 38
R - Cleared if result is a NaN. Cleared if result is negative and not zero and LR was set. Not
affected otherwise.
Note 39
C - Set if result is a NaN. Set if result is negative and not zero. Cleared otherwise.
Note 40
Z - Set if source operands are equal. Cleared otherwise.
Note 41
V - Set if source operand is a NaN, infinity or negative non-zero. Set if positive source operand
is too big to be representable in the integer number range. Cleared otherwise.
Floating-point operations affect the seven status bits located in the IER register. The
standard definitions
of the ER bits is given below. These definitions are based on the ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985 which can
be ordered from:
345 East 47th Street
New York, N.Y. 10017
Additional information (particularly relating to test cases ) can be found in J. T. Coonen,
An Implementation
Guide to a Proposed Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic
, Computer, 1980, pages 68-79. Examples of
the use of these bits are given in
Section 4.6
(Inexact) - Set if a floating-point mantissa, considered as having infinite precision, has too many
significant bits to be represented exactly in the current rounding precision. That is, a result is
inexact if there was a loss of accuracy due to rounding. Cleared otherwise. The INX bit is not
affected by fixed point operations. The INX bit is cleared during processor reset.