Minolta Scanner Mode User Manual
User manual, Scanner mode
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Overview
- 3 Preparation
- 3.1 LAN Connection
- 3.2 Network Settings
- 3.2.1 List of Network Settings
- 3.2.2 Specifying Network Settings
- Displaying the Network Settings screen
- Basic Settings screen
- DNS Settings screen
- Specifying the device name
- SMTP Settings screen
- POP3 Settings screen
- Mail/Scan Setting (E-mail Mode) screen
- Mail/Scan Setting (Scan Mode) screen
- Scanner Settings screen
- Registering an FTP site
- Specifying a proxy
- Frame Type Setting
- Ping
- 3.2.3 Using PageScope Light
- 3.2.4 Using the Domain Name Buttons
- 3.2.5 Installing the Utilities
- 4 Performing a Scan to E-Mail Operation
- 4.1 Basic Transmission
- 4.2 Selecting a Recipient From the List on the One-Touch Screen
- 4.3 Selecting a Recipient by Searching for It by Name
- 4.4 Typing In the Number of the One-Touch Key for the Recipient
- 4.5 Registering a Recipient
- 4.6 Changing/Deleting Recipients
- 4.7 Copying a One-Touch Key
- 4.8 Specifying the Scanning Options
- 4.9 Inserting Text Into a Transmission Document
- 5 Performing a Scan to Server (FTP) Operation
- 6 Performing a Scan to PC (FTP) Operation
- 7 Performing a Scan to HDD Operation
- 8 Performing an Internet Fax/IP Address FAX Operation
- 8.1 Basic Transmission
- 8.2 Selecting a Fax Program
- 8.3 Registering a Recipient
- 8.4 Changing/Deleting Recipients
- 8.5 Specifying the Scanning Options
- 8.5.1 Quality&Reduction Screen
- 8.5.2 FAX Menu Screen
- Functions that can be specified from the FAX Menu screen
- Specifying FAX Menu settings
- Specifying the transmission source name
- Specifying whether the destination name is inserted
- Specifying the setting for the “TX Report” parameter
- Specifying the 2in1 transmission setting
- Specifying double-sided transmission settings
- Specifying the rotation transmission setting
- Specifying the priority transmission setting
- Specifying the timer transmission setting
- Specifying TX Marker (optional)
- Specifying the Subject setting
- Specifying the Reply setting
- Specifying the file name setting
- 8.6 Transmitting to Multiple Recipients (Broadcast Transmission)
- 8.7 Transmitting Using a Combination of One-Touch Keys and Manual Input (Chain Dialing)
- 8.8 Inserting Text Into a Transmission Document
- 8.9 Checking Transmission Results
- 8.10 Receiving Documents (POP3 Reception)
- 8.11 Requesting/Returning the Activity Report
- 8.12 Printing the Header Information in the Received Document
- 9 Performing a Scan to PC (SMTP) Operation
- 10 Using IP Scanner
- 11 Distribution of Fax Documents
- 12 Network Fax Transmission
- 13 Specifying Management Settings
- 13.1 Specifying the Initial Screen
- 13.2 Specifying the Initial Recipient Selection Screen
- 13.3 Viewing Counters (“Meter Count” Function)
- 13.4 Displaying the Administrator Management screen
- 13.5 Specifying the Date and Time
- 13.6 Specifying the Language of the Reports and the Transmission Source Name
- 13.7 Programming the Transmission Source Name
- 13.8 Specifying Network Settings for Accounts
- 13.9 Specifying Transmission Settings
- 13.9.1 Transmission Settings
- 13.9.2 Specifying Transmission Settings
- Specify the default resolution
- Specify the default contrast
- Specifying the default communication mode
- Specifying the default transmission mode
- Specifying the default method for attaching the transmission source name
- Specifying the default transmission source name
- Specifying the default rotation transmission setting
- Specifying double-sided transmission settings
- 13.10 Specifying that Received Documents Not Be Printed (“Memory Lock” Function)
- 13.11 Specifying the procedure for received documents (“Doc. Manage.” function)
- 13.12 Specifying Report Output Settings
- 13.13 Specifying Software Switch Settings (Machine Functions)
- 13.13.1 Specifying Software Switch Settings
- 13.13.2 Specifying Settings Concerning the Confirmation Screen For Broadcast Transmissions (Mode 014)
- 13.13.3 Specifying Settings Concerning Whether or Not There Is a Connected Telephone or a Received Date Report and Their Form
- 13.13.4 Specifies Settings Concerning Internet Faxing (Mode 350)
- 13.13.5 Specifying Settings Concerning the SMTP Transmission Timeout (Mode 356)
- 13.13.6 Specifying Settings Concerning the SMTP Reception Timeout (Mode 357)
- 13.13.7 Specifying Settings Concerning the POP3 Reception Timeout (Mode 358)
- 13.13.8 Specifying Settings Concerning the Default Address Input Screen and the From Information for Accounts (Mode 366)
- 13.13.9 Specifying Settings Concerning the Timeout for a DNS Inquiry (Mode 367)
- 13.13.10 Specifying Settings Concerning the Transmission Interval for Divided E-Mail Messages (Mode 372)
- 13.13.11 Specifies Settings Concerning Full Mode Functions With Internet Faxing (Mode 373)
- 14 Reports and lists
- 14.1 Checking the Transmission Status (Activity Report (TX))
- 14.2 Checking the Reception Status (Activity Report (RX))
- 14.3 Checking the Registered One-Touch Keys (One-Touch Key List)
- 14.4 Checking the Details of Registered Fax Programs (Fax Program List)
- 14.5 Checking Account Information (Account List)
- 14.6 Checking Secured Information for Each Account (Account List (Security))
- 14.7 Checking the Settings For Each Function (Settings List)
- 14.8 Checking the Forwarding Settings (Forwarding List)
- 15 Troubleshooting
- 15.1 When Certain Displays Appear
- 15.2 Transmission Results Error Codes
- Scan to Server (FTP) transmissions
- Scan to PC (FTP) transmissions
- Scan to HDD transmissions
- URL notification (with Scan to Server (FTP) and Scan to HDD transmissions)
- Internet fax transmissions/Scan to E-mail transmissions
- Internet fax receptions
- Scan to PC (SMTP) transmissions
- IP Scanner
- Network FAX (Gateway TX)
- 15.3 Troubleshooting