Sunrise Medical Guardian 931150 User Manual
Page 6

931150 Rev. A
E n g l i s h
F e a t u r e s , O p t i o n s , & A c c e s s o r i e s
The Guardian Escort comes with a number of axle plate options and configurations. Each is
dependent upon the chair model and user need.
All axle plates are interchangeable within the same base frame.
Always consult a healthcare professional or authorized service center before making
any changes to your rear axle.
CAUTION– Severe injury could result from the use of an improper axle/wheel position.
Listed below are the rear wheel axle options:
Standard Offset Axle:
This axle plate is the most common and is used for the 24" rear wheel.
The axle plate can be easily identified by the three axle bolt holes aligned in a verti-
cal position along the plate.
The bottom hole is the only usable hole designed for this product at this time. Use of
either middle or top hole positions will severely impact performance, safety and func-
This axle plate also provides for two distinct axle positions;
Forward Offset and Rearward Offset.
Forward Offset Axle Position (Fig. 4):
This is our standard factory setting and provides greater maneuverability, traction and
accessibility to the handrims.
By offsetting the rear wheel forward of the rear vertical sideframe, the wheel base is
shortened and caution should be exercised when ascending up ramps for unintention-
al backward tipping.
Anti-tippers are highly recommended for users who may not have the ability to con-
trol their chair safely.
Rearward Offset Axle Position (Fig 5):
This axle position is reversed from the standard factory setting and places the axle
plate behind the rear vertical sideframe.
Placing the axle plate in this position increases the wheel base length resulting in a
longer, more stable base.
Caster rotation, traction and accessibility to handrims will be negatively impacted as
a result of this rear wheel shift.
Amputee Axle Plate (Fig 6):
This axle plate is commonly used for individuals with single or bi-lateral amputations
of the leg.
With the lose of leg weight, the wheelchair may be prone to backward tipping with a
standard axle plate.
The Amputee Axle plate extends the rear wheel 2 ≤" further back from the rear verti-
cal sideframe, thus stabilizing the frame.
Transport Axle Plate - 12" Wheel (Fig. 7):
The Transport axle plate is used exclusively with our 12" rear wheel option.
This smaller wheel decreases the chairs overall size, weight and is not intended for
anyone wishing to self-propel their chair.
Figure 4 Forward Offset Axle
Figure 5 Rearward Offset Axle
Figure 6 Amputee Axle
Figure 7 Transport Axle
Transport Axle
Plate (12" wheel)