2 the monitor remains dark – Siemens Simatic 620 User Manual

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Error Diagnosis


SIMATIC Box PC 620 Manual



The Monitor Remains Dark

Cause and Remedy

The following causes are possible:

The monitor has been switched off.

S Switch on the monitor.
The monitor is in “powersave” mode.

S Press any key on the keyboard.
The brightness button has been set to dark.

S Set the screen’s brightness button to obtain more light. Refer to the operator’s

guide for the monitor for more detailed information.

The power supply cable or the screen cable is not connected.

S Switch off the monitor and the system unit.
S Check whether the power supply cable has been connected correctly to the mo-

nitor and to the system unit or to the grounding outlet.

S Check whether the monitor cable has been connected correctly to the system

unit and to the screen (if a connector is present).

S Switch on the monitor and the system unit.

If the monitor screen still remains dark after these checks and measures have

been carried out, please contact your technical support team.
