Inserting and overwriting text, Deleting text, Working with blocks of text – Sharp OZ-640 User Manual

Page 25

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[2nd] [

] Moves the cursor to the last line

of a field.

Inserting and overwriting text

To insert text into some existing text, move

the cursor past the character after which you

wish to insert text and begin typing. Insertion

mode is the Organizer’s default setting,

indicated by the triangle cursor

. To switch

to the overwriting mode, press [INS]. Any text

you enter will replace the existing text. The

cursor appears as in the overwrite mode. To

switch back to the previous mode, press [INS]


Deleting text

If you make a mistake while entering text, use

the following keys to erase the incorrect text,

then enter the correct text:


Deletes the character before the



D e l e t e s t h e c h a r a c t e r a t t h e

cursor’s current location.

Working with blocks of text

Working with a block of text is sometimes easier

and more convenient than working with characters

one by one. The first step is to select the

text to work with.


Hold down the [

] key while using the

cursor keys to move over the entire text

that you want to work with. This will

“highlight” the text (display it in reverse

white on black).


You can now perform a number of operations

on the selected text:

[BS] or [DEL]

Deletes the selected text.

[2nd] [COPY]

Copies the selected text to the

clipboard so that it can later be

pasted to another location.

[2nd] [CUT] Deletes the selected text from its

current location and moves it to

the clipboard.

[2nd] [PASTE]

Replaces the selected text with

w h a t e v e r i s c u r r e n t l y i n t h e


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