Interfacing multiple appliances – Lochinvar 000 through 2 User Manual

Page 46

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FIG. 59 E-Bus Connection to Controls

Connection between multiple


appliances is

accomplished via an E-Bus connection. An E-Bus terminal is

ed on the rear of each appliance. The minimum

specification for the communication wire is for a Level IV,
22 AWG (0.034 mm


) plenum or non-plenum rated (as

applicable), unshielded, twisted pair, stranded wire. Use plenum
rated wire where required. See “Wire Requirements” for a listing
of manufacturers who supply communication wire meeting this
specification. The twisted pair wire is used to make daisy chain
connections between the E-Bus terminals on multiple appliances.
The E-Bus connection uses a Free Topology Transceiver (FTT)
to support a polarity-insensitive free topology wiring scheme for


When attaching two or more wires to the same terminal,
twist wires together (see Fig. 60). Deviation from this rule
can result in improper electrical contact.

star, loop and/or bus wiring. The maximum number of nodes per
segment is 60. The maximum number of nodes in a two-segment
FTT network is 120, when using a repeater between the two
segments. Consult factory for additional information on interface
wiring of multiple Intelli-Fin appliances connected to an EMS.

FTT networks are flexible and con ve nient to install and maintain.
However, it is imperative to plan the network layout and to create
and maintain ac cu rate documentation. Careful planning and up to
date documentation fa cil i tates compliance verification and fu ture
FTT network expansion. It also minimizes unknown or inaccurate
wire run lengths, node to node (device to device) distances, node
counts, total wire length, inaccurate repeater lo


tions, and

misplaced or missing terminations.

Wire to the terminal blocks as follows:


Daisy-Chain Doubly Terminated FTT Network Bus Topology Specifications

Wire/Cable Type


Level IV 22 AWG unshielded, twisted

pair, stranded communications wire (use

plenum rated wire where required)

Maximum FTT network Bus length

for segment(s) in feet (meters)



4593 (1400)

Maximum node-to-node length

for segment(s) in feet (meters)


3773 (1150)


Singly Terminated FTT Network Bus Topology Specifications

Wire/Cable Type


Level IV 22 AWG unshielded, twisted

pair, stranded communications wire (use

plenum rated wire where required)

Maximum FTT network Bus length

for segment(s) in feet (meters)



1640 (500)

Maximum node-to-node length

for segment(s) in feet (meters)


1312 (400)

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