Psion Teklogix Vehicle-Mount Computer 8515 User Manual
Page 39

Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Using The SCU To Connect To The WLAN
Psion Teklogix 8515 Vehicle-Mount Computer User Manual
Tap on the New button to define a new config (profile).
Type a name for your configuration using any alpha-numeric combination to uniquely
identify this config.
Tap on OK to return to the Config tab.
Tap on Commit to save the config name.
When a pop-up message indicates that your configuration will be saved, tap on OK.
To configure the SSID for the network to which you want to associate:
Type an SSID in the text box to the right of SSID. This field is limited to 32 characters.
Tap on Commit and then, in the pop-up message, tap on OK to save your SSID setting.
To configure authentication:
Tap on the EAP type dropdown menu, and choose the appropriate type of authentica-
Next, tap on the Credentials button, and type credentials for IEEE 802.1X EAP types.
To configure encryption:
Tap on the Encryption dropdown menu, and choose the appropriate type of encryp-
tion—Manual WEP, Auto WEP, WPA PSK, WPA TKIP, WPA2 PSK, WPA2 AES, and
If you choose Manual WEP, WPA PSK or WPA2 PSK:
Tap on the WEP/PSK Keys button. For Manual WEP, choose up to four static WEP
keys. For PSK, type an ASCII passphrase or hex PSK.
Configure any other settings that are supplied by the network administrator for the SSID
to which you will associate.
Make certain that you tap on Commit following each change.
Once you’ve completed the configuration:
Tap the Main tab. Tap on the Active Config button—your new config will be listed in
the dropdown menu.
Important: To learn more about the other options available in the radio attributes list,
Important: Refer to
“SCU Security Capabilities” on page 23
for details about security
settings. Additional EAP details are described in