Nokia 3361 User Manual

Page 169

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[ 160 ]

Phone book

entering 39
erasing 42
menus 40
opening 38
save an entry 39
save text entry 39
storing names and numbers 38
use number 112
views 41

phone book menu 29
phone book menu options 29
phone book, erasing 42
phone help 23
phone memory, when full 90
phone menus 23
phone security, managing 73
phone symbols 21
picture messages

sending with text 96
viewing 96

play games 114
power on your phone 14
predictive text 34

tips for 36
turning off 36
turning on 36

prepaid access numbers, saving 81
prepaid account, adding money to 81
prepaid balance, checking 82
prepaid services 80
primary number, specifying 44

customizing 62
defined 62
renaming 66
selecting 62

punctuation, entering 32


questions, frequently asked 116
quick save, name and number 38


rapid charger 133
recall information 39
received calls, checking 45
redial 53
reference information 121
reminder, adding 77
reminders 106
reminders and notes 77
reminders, sending and receiving 78
remove the battery 12
reply to a text message 91
restrict calls 75
review the basics 16
ring options, setting 63
ring volume 64
ring volume, setting 64
ringing tone, setting 63
ringing tones

discarding 100
downloading 99
receiving 99
saving 99

rings and tones 62
roaming 84


safety information 123
search for network 83
