B&B Electronics SL2736-698 - Manual User Manual

Page 22

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November 2011



Example: Select “110” in the FROM field and “921600” in the TO field. Select Enable and click APPLY. Now,
whenever you select a baud rate of 110 bps in a Windows application, your COM port will communicate at 921,600
bps instead.

After mapping a baud rate option to communicate at a new speed, the original speed will no longer be available
unless you map baud rates again.
Make sure the new baud rate does not exceed the maximum baud rate for your card (see previous chart)
The new baud rate will not apply until you click Enable tap APPLY.
If you modify settings when a connection with a serial I/O port is open, then the settings will not take effect until
you disconnect and reconnect from the port.


DO NOT set the baud rate higher than the maximum baud rate for your card, or you may experience functionality
problems! Refer to the previous chart to determine the maximum baud rate for your card.

To revert a Windows baud rate that you mapped back to the original speed, select Disable, then click APPLY.

Alternatively, you can select the original baud rate in both the FROM and TO fields, select Enable, then click

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For help with the Hi-Speed COM Tools or information about the software, click on Help.
