Peerless-AV PRSS-455 - Sell Sheet User Manual
Projector mount kit, For projectors up to 50lb (22kg)

Projector Mount Kit
For projectors up to 50lb (22kg)
The PRGS-UNV Precision Gear Projector Mount or PRSS-UNV Projector Mount is kitted with the
versatile CMJ455 Suspended Ceiling Plate Kit, which allows a projector to be mounted into
a 2' x 2' false ceiling system. The kit offers hassle-free adjustability for both projector mount
placement and image alignment. The projector mount can be placed anywhere within a
standard ceiling grid, and the PRGS-455 offers precision gear image alignment that can be
easily controlled by adjusting the knobs for tilt and roll. The kit can be used with or without an
extension column and offers electrical knockouts.
KnocKout Panels
Allows easy installation
of electrical outlet
Max load: 50lb (22kg)
Fits most projectors up to
50lb (22kg)
Two adjustment knobs that
control projector image
alignment (PRGS only)
Pitch: +15°/-20°
Roll: ±5°
Swivel: 360°
(during installation)
Quick-release mechanism
to easily service projector
Cable management
allows cables to be hidden
by routing them through
projector mount
Security hardware included
for theft prevention
Includes Spider
Adaptor Plate
Includes tie wire for a 3'
drop, turn buckles, and
fasteners for mounting
unIVersal coMPatIBIlItY
Includes the Spider
Adaptor Plate which extends
up to 17.63" (448mm) to fit
most projector models
eFFortless ProJector
Quick-release thumbscrew enables
easy-glide insertion or removal of
the projector from the mount
call: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500
PIn-PoInt IMaGe alIGnMent
Achieve pin-point image
alignment by simply turning the
adjustment knobs by hand or
with a Phillips screwdriver
Patented. Utility Patent No:
European Union Patent - 001309686-0001 & 001309686-0002,
Taiwan Patent - D136395, US Patent - D597,582 - D609,552 - D611,084.