3 alarms – YSI BOD Analyst Pro User Manual

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YSI BOD Analyst Pro


User Manual


A second technique is Dual. Set this parameter as above under YSI Instrument Parameters.
When you are reading DO you must both wait for stability criteria to be met and press
CONFIRM. The order is not relevant, but both actions are required to enter and store readings. If
the reading is stable before you press CONFIRM then you may see that the DO reading is stable
based on instrument signals (e.g., beep). If you press CONFIRM before the reading is stable then
the program will enter and store the DO reading as soon as it becomes stable.

The third technique is Auto. Again set the parameter under YSI Instrument Parameters. By this
technique once the bottle number is entered the program stores the DO reading as soon as it meets
the DO stability criteria. No user intervention is required. This is the fastest and most convenient
method to take DO readings for entry into BOD Analyst Pro.


Alarms are provided for temperature limits and DO supersaturation. See the YSI Instrument
Parameters form below.

You may specify a range of temperatures for Initial DOs and a different range of temperatures for
Final DOs. Just before storing a reading the program will check the temperature. If it is outside
the range then the program will display a warning message on the BOD Analyst Pro Take
form and on the YSI 5100 DO Instrument if you are using this model.

If you do not want to store the reading, press SKIP and you can take steps to remedy the situation.
If you want to store the reading anyway press CONFIRM.

Temp 24.3 high

Store anyway?
