Franklin Fueling Systems Data Modem / Data Fax Modem for Tank Sentinel, AutoStik, & BulkStik ATGs User Manual

Replacement part instructions

background image




PN & Rev: 0000235C

E - m a i l : t e c h @ f r a n k l i n f u e l i n g . c o m

F A X 1 - 2 0 7 - 2 8 2 - 9 0 0 2

T E L 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 8 4 - 6 2 6 6 P AG E

1 o f 1

s a l e s @ f r a n k l i n f u e l i n g . c o m

F A X 1 - 2 0 7 - 2 8 3 - 0 1 5 8

T E L 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 7 2 - 3 4 5 5

Data Modem / Data Fax Modem Installation

for Tank Sentinel, AutoStik, & BulkStik ATGs

Removal & Installation Steps

1.) Turn all Tank Gauge power


and unplug the phone cord (if present)

2.) Ground yourself touch the gold metal safety shield in the console to remove

static electricity, which could damage electronic components

3.) A replacement EPROM must be installed at U10 when the existing EPROM

version number is earlier than 1.2 — Follow replacement instructions and notes
that are described in EPROM Replacement Instructions

4.) If present, pry up and remove the existing Fax/Modem assembly with a wooden

dowel or non-metallic tool

5.) Ground yourself again and remove the new Fax/Modem assembly from the

packaging material. Carefully align it over the multi-pin sockets of U47 – with the
Fax/Modem label facing up (as shown above). Use your thumbs and press the
assembly into the sockets at both ends (do not touch any pins while doing this)

6.) Turn the Tank Gauge power


and plug the communications cord into the

RJ 11

jack (at the bottom of the console) and the other end into the telephone outlet

7.) Wait 2 minutes before entering Setup and performing the dial tone test


To program the modem for Data and/or FAX transmission, please follow the Comm

Ports–FAX/MODEM menu in the Setup Programming Guide

Installation Diagrams (see Installation & Programming Manuals also):

Parts Supplied with the Upgrade / Replacement Kit:

Communication Cord (14 feet) and the

Fax/Modem PC Board (U47 plug-in).

Diagram A

Diagram B


Fax / Modem
