Gilderfluke&Co Quad EFB Controller User Manual

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calculating the approximate displacement of the cylinder and comparing it to the cubic feet per minute
(CFM) capacity of the valve.

A number of different styles of position transducers are available. These include standard linear and

rotary potentiometers as well as 'string pots' in which a small steel cable extends to measure distances.
Whatever type of transducer is used, it must be linked to the actuator so that it closely follows the
movement and uses as much of its stroke as possible. For any permanent installation you must use a
potentiometer which is made for this type of heavy duty use. Typical life span ratings are in the 2 to 20
million cycle range.

The default value for the feedback pots is 10 Kohms. You can use feedback pots which have a

different value. To do so you will need to change the two SIP resistors RP1 and RP23 (RP2 on the EFB-
QUAD) to match the value of your feedback pots. They are socketed to facilitate this. RP1 is a ten pin
bussed SIP in which one end of all nine resistors are attached to pin number one. RP23 (RP2 on the EFB-
QUAD) is an eight pin SIP resistor which contains four independent resistors. If you can’t find a pair of SIP
resistors with the appropriate values or need to use different valuers for different channels, you can also
build them up from discrete resistors.

The input to the EFB card from the feedback pot is 0-5 volts, referenced to the negative reference

found on the “-” feedback connection pin. You should measure this voltage across these two pins as the
feedback element is moved. If you are using a feedback element other than a potentiometer (like a
LVDT or Tempasonic transducer), this is the voltage that needs to be applied.

When the voltage at the feedback “+” pin exceeds 7.5 volts, this will trigger the ‘wire break’ circuit.

This will immediately limit the output voltage swing to less than a volt, effectively turning off the axis.
Whenever the feedback card senses a wire break, there is a ten second (or so) delay until the channel is
turned back ‘on’.

Any wire break will also turn on the ‘Error’ output. This can be used to turn on a remotely located

indicator light or LED to alert the ride operators that there is a problem with this channel. The ‘Error’
outputs from multiple EFB cards can be paralleled to a single indicator. The Error output is an
optoisolated (to 1500 volts) transistor, suitable co controlling loads of up to about 50 milliamperes at up
to 24 volts.

All unused channels on an EFB card should have the feedback connections shorted together with a

short piece of wire. This will allow the wire break circuitry for the channel to time out and turn off the
‘Error’ outputs.

If you are using a potentiometer and can’t change the values of RP1 and RP23 (RP2 on the EFB-

QUAD) to match (or your feedback pot doesn’t work well as a voltage divider) you can tie the pot’s
unused side to a 5 volt reference on the feedback card. On the EFB-Quad, you can find a five volt
reference on U15 pin #1. On a PID-Quad, the 5 volt reference can be found on U21, pin #1. When
operating in this mode, you will need to clip RP1’s pins #2, #3, #4 and/or #5 (for channels 0 through 3,
respectively) so that they no longer make contact with the SIP socket. On the PID-QUAD there is a screw
terminal with 5 volts on it. This is normally used to provide power to the strain gauge used for compliance
feedback. Note that this 5 volts is not as accurate or clean as the 5 volts found on U21, but it can
provide a good deal more current and is a lot easier to get to.

All four channels on an EFB card can be disabled by applying a 12 to 24 VDC signal to the ‘Disable’

screw terminals. This signal is optoisolated (to 5000 volts) from the rest of the feedback card. There will
be a ten second (approximately) delay after this signal is removed before the feedback channels return
to normal operation.

The output which goes to the valve is +/- 10 volts at a current up to 50 milliamperes This is

compatible with the 250 ohm coils on most servo valves.



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. 91502-2102 • 818/840-9484 •



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