PCT Engineered Drop-Bottom Vertical Heat Treat Furnace User Manual

Drop-bottom vertical heat treat furnace

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© 2007 PCT Engineered Systems LLC. All Rights Reserved

Drop-Bottom Vertical Heat Treat Furnace

The Application

To keep up with the high demand for
greater-sized aluminum sheets for the
fabrication of new, large aircraft, a major
aluminum manufacturer decided to add
another production center at its plant site.

PCT Engineered Systems’ extensive
experience with furnace control systems
and previous project successes with the
manufacturer, led the manufacturer to
select PCT as the integrator to provide
them with a complete furnace control
system for a drop-bottom Vertical Heat
Treat Furnace.

The PCT Solution

PCT provided three control systems for the pro-
duction center: a control system for the furnace
proper that included combustion controls and a
light-up station MMI; positioning controls for a
large quench tank using AC/Vector Drives; and
material- handling controls including radio-
controlled cranes for carrying the sheets.
In addition to developing the furnace control
systems, PCT also provided a motor control
house and an operator control house; a motor
control center and drive line-up equipment; a
construction package and engineering support
for the installation of the electric controls; and
engineering support for the furnace start-up.
