Road stakeout – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Recon-Nomad Reference Manual User Manual

Page 429

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Roads Menu


Road Stakeout

Roads Road Stakeout


The Stake Road screen is used to stake any segment of a road profile
at any station.

Tap Road… : opens the Tap on a Road screen where you can tap on

any road in the job to select it.

Name: displays the name of the selected road.
Begin Station: displays the station assigned to the

beginning of the road.
End Station: displays the final station in the road.
Use Station Equation: When checked, the current

station equation will be applied to the road.

Equation Settings : opens the Station Equation screen

(Page R-433) where a station equation can be configured.

Backsight… : accesses the Backsight Setup screen (Page


Next > : takes you to the next Stake Road screen where

a specific point on the road can be selected to stake.
