Dwyer ULTM User Manual

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The non-resettable counter displays the total hours of operation since the system
is out of the factory. This counter aids both manufacturer and user in keeping track
of specific ULTM history. The resettable counter displays the total hours of
operation since the recent turn-on of the equipment or since the last reset of this
counter. This counter aids the user in keeping track of the equipment for
maintenance and other operations. The resettable counter may be activated from
the built-in display or using the PC command RSC.

SMS Format
SMS are sent in a fixed textual format: “D, L, D1, V, T1, T2, S1”

D - Measured Distance

Format xx.xxx (meter or feet)

L - Measured Level

Format xx.xxx (meter or feet)

D1 - For S1 = 0: Measured Volume

Format xx.xxx or xxxxxx.x

(liters or gallons)

For S1 = 5: Refill Start Point

Format xx.xxx or xxxxxx.x

(distance or volume) as applicable

For S1 = 6: Refill Quantity

Format xx.xxx or xxxxxx.x

(distance or volume)

as applicable

V - Measured Volume

Format xx.xxx or xxxxxx.x
as applicable

T1 - Internal Temperature

Format xx.x
(Celsius or Fahrenheit)

T2 - External Temperature

Format xx.x
(Celsius or Fahrenheit)

S1 - Equipment Status


Temperature Sensors, Units and Display
ULTM systems implement automatic compensation of deviations due to
temperature variations in the air temperature of the ultrasonic media. The
temperature is sensed by a temperature sensor which is embedded within the
acoustic sensor. In installations where temperature varies very rapidly in time and
location, it may be preferable to install an external temperature sensor ULTM-EXT
which will follow more closely the varying temperature.

For these installations, you can select the internal embedded temperature sensor
or the external temperature sensor (if one is connected), or average both readings.
Physical connection and installation of the external temperature sensor is
described in the Chapter 2, physical installation guidelines. Temperature units may
either be selected as Celsius or Fahrenheit. Temperature may be viewed on the
built-in display. Temperature readings on the display present the following table:

The second line displays temperature measured by the internal temperature
sensor. The third line displays temperature measured by the external temperature
sensor. The column “Cur” displays the current temperature, while “High” and “Low”
columns display the highest and lowest temperature recorded by the temperature
sensors since the last reset was performed.

Theft alerts
ULTM supports theft detection alerts by examining the rate of liquid consumption.
Determine the rate which would be considered as inappropriate in units of level per
minute (e.g. mm/min) or volume per minute (e.g. liter/min) and modify the deviation
number accordingly. Limits are defined in Chapter 4: “Configuration with PC” (p.8).
Rates lower than 4 mm/min may cause excessive false alerts. Therefore, entries
lower then 4 mm/min will automatically be converted to 4 mm/min. It is
recommended to experiment with the specific tank and environment with this figure
until no false alarms are transmitted.

Alert SMS will be transmitted within a minute following detection of an inappropriate
consumption rate. Alert SMS will be sent once a minute as long as the excessive
consumption rate is detected. This may aid the user in determining the duration and
persistence of the implied theft.
Theft alerts co-exist with periodic alerts and with full and empty alerts.

Volume Measurement
A) General
Based on measured Level, tank shape and tank dimensions, ULTM can calculate
and report volume rather than distance or level. Configuration of volume elements
can only be executed using the PC configuration method.

Currently, three tank shapes are supported:
• Box shaped
• Horizontal cylindrical tanks with curved or non-curved sides
• Vertical cylindrical tank with curved or non curved bottom-side

B) Box Shaped
Two horizontal box dimensions should be configured (X, Y), allowing volume
calculation of the liquid contained within the box shaped tank. The third dimension
is the level measured by the ULTM (Z).

C) Cylindrical Tanks
Horizontal cylindrical tank with curved sides:

The width may be zero for straight ends.

Vertical cylindrical tank with concave bottom:

See also the section: “Interdependencies” in this chapter (p.16).

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S1 Value

Good measurement and range
Full level
Empty level
No signal found (performing echo search)
Theft indication
Tank filling identified
Tank filling ended
Contact alert is short (version 1.94 or later)
Contact alert is open (version 1.94 or later)





Figure 19: Temperature Readings.

Figure 20: Box Shaped Tank.

For Advanced Users

The box shaped tank may also represent any other tank if volume (V) and level (L)
are linearly related in that tank. Mathematically stated, if V = k * L where k is a
constant. For such a tank, enter X=1 and Y=k.

Figure 21: Cylindrical Horizontal Tank.

Figure 22: Cylindrical Vertical Tank.



