Dwyer 1600 User Manual

Page 3

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Rev. 10/98




To quickly return to the HOME position, press the UP ARROW
and ENTER keys together, and then the INDEX and DOWN
ARROW keys.

Take the example of a Model 16010 that comes from the factory pro-
grammed for type J thermocouples. Suppose for this example you wish to
change the input to 100 ohm Platinum DIN RTD and limit the set point range
between 0° and 500° C.

First, change the input DIP switch as shown on page 5. For RTD inputs
switches 1, 3, and 4 are off, switch 2 is on.

Next, enter the Secure menu as instructed on page 8. Press the INDEX key
until the display shows Inp and press the DOWN ARROW until the display
shows P385. Don't forget to press the ENTER key to retain your setting.

Next, press the INDEX key to display Unit. Press the DOWN ARROW until
the display shows C. Press ENTER.

Next, press the INDEX key until SPL is displayed (pass the dPt and InPt
selections). Press the UP ARROW until the display shows 0. Press

Finally, press INDEX key to display SPH. Press the DOWN ARROW until
the display shows 500. Press ENTER.

The necessary program changes are now complete. After 60 seconds the
display will switch back to the temperature reading. If you want to return
faster, press the UP ARROW and ENTER keys (at the same time) and then
press the DOWN ARROW and INDEX keys ( again at the same time). This
will 'back out' of the menu and immediately display the temperature reading.

If you want to use Self Tune®, Auto/Manual, or the Ramp/Soak Program-
mer features, see the special sections on these items. Page numbers for
these are in the Contents section on the previous page.
