Investigating error causes – HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual
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The storage system outputs the error information in three ways: a service information message (SIM),
a syslog (on the host), or a storage system internal sense byte (SSB):
SIM: Users can view the SIMs using XP Remote Web Console software. SIMs are automatically
reported to the maintenance center (if contracted).
Note: The default storage system setting is the SIM reporting for Database Validator is disabled.
Syslog: XP RAID Manager writes a syslog message that includes the error volume number and
error counters for each validation item. XP RAID Manager polls the volume status and outputs an
error message if the error counter is incremented. Multiple errors that occur in one volume during
the polling period are put together in one error message.
shows an example of the
syslog message output by XP RAID Manager.
[HORCM_103] Detected a validation check error on this volume(log1-1 unit#0,ldev#2) :
CfEC=1, MNEC=0, SCEC=0, BNEC=0
Figure 14 Example of Syslog Message Output by XP RAID Manager
SSB: The SSB log on the SVP can only be accessed by HP service personnel. The SSB log includes
the following information for a validation error:
• Error volume (storage system LDEV)
• Start address of write request control data block (CDB)
• Transfer length of write request CDB
• WWN (worldwide name) of host port
• Validation item(s) judged as invalid
Investigating Error Causes
To investigate the cause of a validation error:
Check all hardware components of the system. If there is a failure, repair that failure, and recover
the system.
If there is no hardware failure, then check the software.
The most common error cause is misconfiguration and misoperation. In the system setup phase
this error may often occur. Confirm every operation step by step. For production phase databases,
error sources can be easier to find, because no configuration changes are made to a production
phase database. The misoperation or misconfiguration must have been executed outside Oracle
Database. For validation errors that do not originate from the Oracle application, Oracle is not
affected and continues to operate normally. This can be confirmed by checking the Oracle log
files (for example, Alert.log).
If the error cause is a likely a misconfiguration, check the following items. Validation parameters
can be investigated using XP RAID Manager raidvchkdsp command:
• Make sure that the block size (raidvchkset -vs <size>) is correct.
• Make sure that the validation file type (raidvchkset -vt <type>) is correct.
• Make sure that the data validations are disabled for LVM configuration changes.
• Make sure that the redo log files and data files are separated among the volumes.
• Make sure Oracle files with different block sizes are not mapped to the same LDEV.
• Make sure that the syntax of the horcm.conf file is correct: there should be no duplicated GIDs
or LUNs in the HORCM_DEV section.
If the Oracle application stopped abnormally and you did not find a hardware error or miscon-
figuration, contact Oracle technical support for assistance.
XP24000/XP20000 Database Validator User's Guide