To enter text, To enter a space, pause, or symbol, To erase a letter, number, or symbol – HP Officejet Pro 8500 User Manual
Page 32

After you are done entering text, press OK to store your entry.
To enter text
▲ Press the letters on the virtual keyboard to enter text.
To enter a space, pause, or symbol
To insert a space, press Space.
To enter a pause, press Redial/Pause. A dash appears in the number sequence.
To enter a symbol, such as @, press the symbols button (*@) repeatedly to scroll
through the list of available symbols: asterisk (*), dash (-), ampersand (&), period
(.), slash (/), parentheses ( ), apostrophe ('), equals (=), number sign (#), at (@),
underscore (_), plus (+), exclamation (!), semicolon (;), question (?), comma (,),
colon (:), percent (%), and approximation (~).
To erase a letter, number, or symbol
▲ If you make a mistake, press the left arrow button to clear it, and then make the
correct entry.
Type text using the visual keyboard (some models only)
You can enter text or symbols by using the visual keyboard that automatically appears
on the color display when you must enter text. For example, the visual keyboard
automatically appears when you are setting up a wired or wireless network, the fax
header, or speed-dial entries.
To enter text by using the visual keyboard
1. Touch the visual keyboard to select a letter, number, or symbol.
To enter lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols
To enter lowercase letters, touch the abc button on the visual keyboard.
To enter uppercase letters, touch the ABC button on the visual keyboard.
To enter numbers, touch the 123 button on the visual keyboard.
To enter symbols, touch the $@! button on the visual keyboard.
TIP: To erase a letter, number, or symbol, touch Del on the visual keyboard.
2. When you are finished entering text, numbers, or symbols, touch Done on the
visual keyboard.
Chapter 3
Use the device