The <target> variable, The <command> variable, Querying a device – HP Smart Storage Administrator User Manual
Page 48
Operations 48
a required variable and plain brackets to denote an optional variable, the structure of a typical HP SSA CLI
command line is as follows:
<target> <command> [parameter=value]
The <target> variable
This variable provides the path to the device that you want to configure. The device can be a controller, an
array, a logical drive, or a physical drive. The syntax used is as follows:
controller all | slot=# | wwn=# | chassisname="AAA" | serialnumber=# |
chassisserialnumber=# | [array=all|<id>] [logicaldrive all|#]
[physicaldrive all|allunassigned|[#:]#:#,[#:]#:#...|[#:]#:#-[#:]#:#]
For example:
controller slot=3
controller wwn=500805F3000BAC11
controller slot=2 array A
controller chassisname="A" array B logicaldrive 2
controller chassisname="A" physicaldrive 1:0
controller all
controller slot=2 array all
controller slot=3 physicaldrive 1:2-1:5
The <command> variable
The <command> variable can be any of the following words or phrases, corresponding to typical
configuration tasks:
set target
Nonconfiguration commands are also available:
diag ("
Generating a diagnostic report
" on page
help ("
" on page
rescan ("
" on page
show ("
" on page
A command often requires a parameter, and some parameters require a value, but the specific parameters
and values that are valid for a given command depend on the target to which you apply the command.
To determine the valid parameters and values for a particular combination of target and command variables,
you can query the device ("
" on page
). You can also inspect the example commands
in other sections of this guide.
Querying a device
If you do not know what values a parameter can have, you can sometimes query the device to find out by
entering a ? as the value of the parameter.
Example command:
=> ctrl ch="Lab4" ld 1 modify raid=0 ss=?