4 retired spread spectrum radios, 1 rf400-series radios, 2 cr205, cr210, cr215 dataloggers – Campbell Scientific RF401-series and RF430-series Spread Spectrum Data Radios/Modems User Manual

Page 16: Specifications, Retired spread spectrum radios, Rf400-series radios, Cr205, cr210, cr215 dataloggers

background image

RF401-series and RF430-series Spread Spectrum Radio/Modems

Short Haul modem to radio: PC to short haul modems to radios to

datalogger (see Appendix G, Short-Haul Modems)

Ethernet network to radio: PC to Internet to NL100 to radio to datalogger

(use LoggerNet IPPort, remote IP address, port number)

1.4 Retired Spread Spectrum Radios

1.4.1 RF400-series Radios

On May 2, 2005, the RF401, RF411, and RF416 replaced the RF400, RF410,

and RF415, respectively. The newer radios have a choice of three

communication protocol settings. The three protocol settings are Transparent,

PakBus Aware, and PakBus Node. Transparent is the protocol used by the

RF400. RF401 and RF430 radios in networks that also have RF400 radios

must use the Transparent protocol setting. Transparent is the default setting for

RF401 radios with operating systems of OS3 or lower.

Do not mix the “Transparent” protocol with any of the

PakBus protocols. This will produce RF traffic without any

RF communications.

The PakBus Aware and PakBus Node settings make the radios easier to use in

a PakBus network. Radios set to PakBus Aware and radios set to PakBus

Node can be in the same network. PakBus Aware is the default setting for

RF430 radios and RF401 radios with an operating system of OS4 or higher.

The PakBus Aware setting is the simplest to use and does not require a PakBus

address. The PakBus Node setting is intended for radios used as stand-alone


RF400 radios can be upgraded to RF401 radios by sending the RF400 to

Campbell Scientific; an RMA is required.

1.4.2 CR205, CR210, CR215 Dataloggers

On September 15, 2005, the CR206, CR211, and CR216 dataloggers replaced

the CR205, CR210, and CR215 dataloggers, respectively. The newer

dataloggers’ internal radios have two RF Protocol settings, which are PakBus

and Transparent. The PakBus setting is used with RF430 radios and RF401

radios set to PakBus Aware or PakBus Node. The Transparent RF protocol

setting is required when the network contains older equipment (e.g., RF400s,


2. Specifications



9 to 16 VDC


75 mA typical during transmit (RF401 series)

78 mA typical during transmit (RF430 series)

24 mA typical receiving a signal (RF401, RF411)

36 mA typical receiving a signal (RF416)

26 mA typical receiving a signal (RF430, RF431)

40 mA typical receiving a signal (RF432)


