Sony Home Theater User Manual

Page 37

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The Sony Guide to Home Theater



SCENARIO C. Assume that you're starting from a blank sheet of paper. You won't

be using any existing components. If you choose, you can build a completely
customized system with exactly the television, DVD player, A/V receiver and
speakers that fit your specific needs!


SCENARIO D. Maybe you're passionate about having equipment of the highest

quality. Maybe you hate the idea of having a room where A/V equipment is a
prominent visual feature. Or maybe both points of view are represented in your
home! Whatever the case, you may best be served by custom installation. Custom
installers can give you the maximum in home theater enjoyment with the minimum of
visible equipment. A good installer is a master at hiding equipment and when the
time comes to enjoy, revealing it on motorized lifts. An installer can work hand-in-
hand with your architect, your decorator and your general contractor. An installer can
integrate your home entertainment system with automatic window shades and
automatic room lighting. And a good installer can even create whole-house
entertainment systems or integrate the home theater system with your PC network. If
you're intrigued by the idea of custom installation, you can find out more at

A custom installer authorized by Sony Consumer Integrated
Systems can elicit the best performance from the best equipment,
like the Sony VPH-G90U high definition projector. A legend
among video professionals and enthusiasts, the G90U has 9-
inch electromagnetic focus CRTs and 2500 H x 2000 V
resolution. It also costs more than the average automobile.
