13 solo setup, Sd7 - getting started – DiGiCo SD7 User Manual

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SD7 - Getting Started


1.13 Solo Setup

The SD7 Solo panel is accessed from a button at the top of the Master Screen. Some of the controls on this panel are duplicated
on the worksurface, immediately above the Master Screen.

There are two solo busses and each solo button on the console can be independently assigned to use Solo1, Solo2 or Solo 1+2.
Therefore, if the console was being used for Stage monitors, the first solo buss could feed “In-Ear” monitors, and the second solo
buss could feed a wedge.

Solo Trim

Solo Delay

Direct Out Level Fader Assignment

Direct Out Level

Solo Level Meter

Buss Format Switch

No solo source select

Insert routing

Direct Out routing

Headphones On / Off


multi / single solo mode

pfl / afl solo mode

The following functions are available independently for each solo buss :

- Mono / Stereo / Surround Switch
- No Solo source routing: The source for solo buss when no channel is in solo mode.

Note that the No Solo source does not show on Solo meters

- Insert Point with both internal and external routing capability
- Direct Out routing (eg. for feeding a wedge)
- Assignment of Direct Out level control to master fader or speaker volume pot
- afl or pfl mode
- single or multi solo mode
- Delay
- Level Trim
- Auto solo mode: If a channel is set to Auto Solo, it will automatically solo when another channel is soloed. The Auto Solo
function of each solo buss can be enabled and disabled as required.
- Solo meters can be displayed on the Master or Overview screen by pressing the floating meters button below the solo
delay area in either side of the Solo panel.
