Nokia 3300 User Manual

Page 212

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2003 Nokia. All rights reserved.

Do not use or store the phone in dusty, dirty areas. Its moving parts can
be damaged.

Do not store the phone in hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the
life of electronic devices, damage batteries, and warp or melt certain

Do not store the phone in cold areas. When it warms up (to its normal
temperature), moisture can form inside which may damage electronic
circuit boards.

Do not attempt to open the phone. Nonexpert handling may damage it.

Do not drop, knock, or shake the phone. Rough handling can break
internal circuit boards.

Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to
clean the phone.

Do not paint the phone. Paint can clog the moving parts and prevent
proper operation.

Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorized
antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the phone and
may violate regulations governing radio devices.

All of the above suggestions apply equally to your phone, battery, charger or
any accessory. If any of them are not working properly, take them to your
nearest qualified service facility. The personnel there will assist you, and if
necessary, arrange for service.
