Tc6000 bowflex advantage – Bowflex TC5300 User Manual

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Tc6000 boWfleX advanTage™

6. CURRenT WeIGHT: Each time you enter an exercise program, you will be prompted to enter your Current


7. POUnDS FROM GOAL: This tells you how many pounds (or kilograms) you need to loose to reach your Target


8. STARTInG BMI: This is automatically calculated when you perform the USER SETUP.
9. CURRenT BMI: This is your Current” BMI which is based on your Current Weight.
10. LAST FITneSS SCORe: This keeps track of your most recent Fitness Test Score. To store this data you must

have taken successfully the Bowflex Fitness Test.

11. PReVIOUS FITneSS SCORe (1) (2) (3) (4): This shows you your last 4 Fitness test scores. By comparing these

scores, you will be able to track your fitness progress.

12. TOTAL CALORIeS BURneD: This is a record of the total number of Calories you have expended.

To exit from Bowflex Advantage™ program, you can press either, the BOWFLEX ADVANTAGE™ key, the STOP key or the

POWER key.


Your BoWFLeX aDvanTaGe™ DaTa is stored even if the Power is shut off or the cord disconnected. The

only way to remove your data is to use the eDIT a uSer, or reMove a uSer options during the uSer

SeTuP mode.

User Setup Function


The USeR SeTUP menu is as follows

1. Register yourself as a “USER” so that your workout information will be stored in the Bowflex Advantage™ data.
The TC6000 allows you to register up to 5 users.

2. Allow Visitor to workout: Use this feature if someone is using the TC6000 who has not registered as a user. By
using this mode, the workout data from the “Visitor” will not be stored in the Bowflex Advantage™ data.

3. Remove a User: This function allows you to remove a registered user.

4. Edit a User: This allows you to edit the information of any registered user

5. Select ENGLISH of METRIC mode: The TC6000 will display information in either English or Metric Mode.

To access these features simply start by pressing the Power Key to turn the console display on and then Pressing the

User Setup key. The Message Bar will read “ADD A USER”
Press ENTER to accept this or use the + / - keys to scroll through the following options:







There are three Data Display Areas on the console display. They provide you with a range of workout feedback. This
feedback will help you to set “workout goals” and obtain them. For instance, a “workout goal” may be to walk for 30
minutes, or walk for 2 miles, or to expend 400 Calories.

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