Managed vs. unmanaged services – Apple Qmaster 2 and Compressor 2 (Distributed Processing Setup) User Manual

Page 43

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Chapter 4

Creating and Administering Clusters


Managed Vs. Unmanaged Services

You have flexibility in how you build clusters for distributed processing with
Compressor or Apple Qmaster. When you turn on processing services (See “


Cluster Controller Services On or Off

” on page 45), you can choose to make them either

managed services or unmanaged services (the default).

Managed Services

Managed services can be assigned to serve one particular cluster controller. Once
assigned, managed services remain exclusively dedicated to that cluster until they are
removed with the Apple Qadministrator application. QuickClusters cannot use
managed services, except in the case of extended node clusters. For more information,
see “

Modifying and Deleting Clusters With Apple Qadministrator

” on page 54. See the

Apple Qmaster 2 User Manual for more information on extended node clusters.

Unmanaged Services

Unmanaged services will automatically assign themselves to the first available
QuickCluster with enabled unmanaged services support. QuickClusters listen for
unmanaged service advertisements and may mark or remember any of them for later
use. A QuickCluster can use any available unmanaged service on the same local
network (subnet). An unmanaged service will remain dedicated to its QuickCluster only
long enough to finish the current job. Once the current job is complete, an unmanaged
service is once again a “free agent,” and will advertise its availability to all QuickClusters.

Note: Managed clusters (those created with Apple Qadministrator) can also use
unmanaged services. When unmanaged services support is enabled on a “managed”
cluster, the cluster will automatically add any available unmanaged services in addition
to its managed services (that were explicitly added using Apple Qadministrator).

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