Apple AppleCare Protection Plan for iPhone User Manual
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service and technical support coverage provided by the Plan is additional to the coverage
provided by the manufacturer’s hardware warranty and complimentary technical support.
3. What is Covered?
3.1 Hardware Service
If during the Coverage Period, you submit a valid claim by notifying Apple that (i) a defect in
materials and workmanship has arisen in the Covered Equipment or, (ii) the capacity of the
covered iPhone battery to hold an electrical charge has depleted fifty (50%) percent or more
from its original specifications, Apple will either (a) repair the defect at no charge, using new
or refurbished parts that are equivalent to new in performance and reliability, or (b) exchange
the Covered Equipment with a replacement product that is new or equivalent to new in
performance and reliability, and is at least functionally equivalent to the original product. If
Apple exchanges the Covered Equipment, the original product becomes Apple’s property and
the replacement product is your property, with coverage for the remaining period of the Plan.
3.2 Technical Support
During the Coverage Period, Apple will provide you with access to telephone and web-based
technical support resources. Technical support may include assistance with installation,
launch, configuration, troubleshooting, and recovery (except for data recovery), including
storing, retrieving, and managing files; interpreting system error messages; and determining
when hardware service is required. Apple will provide support for the then-current version
of the supported software, and the prior Major Release. For purposes of this section, “Major
Release” means a significant version of software that is commercially released by Apple in a
release number format such as “1.0” or “2.0” and which is not in beta or pre-release form. The
scope of technical support provided to you will vary according to your Plan.
3.3 Scope of Technical Support
Under the Plan, Apple will provide technical support for the Covered Equipment, iPhone
OS (“iOS”) and software applications that are pre-installed with the Covered Equipment
(both referred to as “Consumer Software”) and connectivity issues between the Covered
Equipment and a “Supported Computer”, meaning a computer that meets the Covered
Equipment’s connectivity specifications and runs an operating system that is supported
by the Covered Equipment.