Viewing streaming status, Starting or stopping streaming service, Working with connected users – Apple QuickTime (Darwin) Streaming Server User Manual

Page 22: Viewing streaming status 22, Starting or stopping streaming service 22, Working with connected users 22

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Chapter 2


Enter the URL for your Streaming Server Admin computer. For example:




is the hostname or IP address of your streaming server computer and


is the port number.

The first time you run Streaming Server Admin, the Setup Assistant prompts you for a user
name and password.

To display online help, click the question mark button in the UI. Information about QTSS and
DSS is also available at the QuickTime web site (
and the Mac OS X Darwin web site (

Viewing Streaming Status

You can view a snapshot of current streaming server activity or see information about
connected users in the Main and Connected Users panes of Streaming Server Admin.

To view streaming server activity:


Click Main in Streaming Server Admin.


To see information about connected users, click Connected Users in Streaming Server

Starting or Stopping Streaming Service

You can start or stop streaming service at any time by clicking the button at the top of the
Streaming Server Admin window.

m To start streaming service, click Start Server.

m To stop streaming service, click Stop Server.

Working With Connected Users

To see the Connected Users pane, click Connected Users in Streaming Server Admin.

In this pane, you can view information about the client users currently connected to your
streaming server. You can display the information in a number of ways using the onscreen

To change the number of entries displayed, choose a number from the “Display __ entries”
pop-up menu.

To change how often the list is updated, choose a number from the “Page Refresh Interval”
pop-up menu.

To select the sort column, click the column label by which you want to sort the user
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