Apple DVD Studio Pro 4 User Manual

Page 263

background image

Colors Tab in the Menu Inspector with Advanced Selected

The following settings are available in the Colors tab in the Menu Inspector when you
select the advanced overlay color mode.

Select the color mapping
set to configure.

Set the highlight’s

Shows the overlay
graphic’s colors.

Select the mapping type
used for the overlay

Choose the colors
to map to each overlay
graphic color.

Select the button state.

Select Simple or
Advanced, depending on
the overlay you are using.

Overlay Colors: Select the overlay color method to use.

Simple: Select Simple if you are using a simple overlay.

Advanced: Select Advanced if you are using an advanced overlay.

Mapping Type: Select the colors used to create the overlay graphic.

Chroma: Chroma uses black, red, blue, and white as the overlay colors.

Grayscale: Grayscale uses black, dark gray, light gray, and white as the overlay colors.

Selection State: Select the button state you want to configure. This setting also

determines which state’s colors and transparencies to display.

Normal: Selects the normal state for configuration and display.

Selected: Selects the selected state for configuration and display.

Advanced: Selects the advanced state for configuration and display.

Set: Select the color mapping set (1, 2, or 3) to configure. You cannot assign sets to

buttons from the Menu Inspector—you must select a button or group of buttons and
select their set in the Button Inspector. All new buttons use set 1.


Chapter 13

Creating Menus Using the Standard Method
