Dtmfpressed, Dtmf code received in call, Event.dtmfpressed – 2N Helios IP Automation Manual v2.8 User Manual

Page 10: Parameters, Variables, Example

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2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz



Key – define the key or a key group. If this parameter is not completed, the
event is generated upon pressing of any key (default value: any).

Valid values:

0, , , , , , , , , , , for numeric keypad buttons

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * #


, ..,

for quick dial buttons



any for any button (default value).

Separate the values with a comma while defining more keys than one.

SuppressTones – suppress sound signalling initiated by pressing of a
non-programmed quick dial button. The parameter is optional.

Valid values:

0 – tones are not suppressed
1 – tones are suppressed (default value)


Key – the recorded code of the key which was the last to generate this event.
The key code is stored in the Key parameter format.


Event generated by pressing of # and quick dial button 3 or 4:

Event.KeyPressed: Key=#, %3, %4



block defines the event that is generated when the defined or any


DTMF code is received from the defined group. DTMF codes are detected both in
incoming and outgoing calls.


Key – define the DTMF code (or DTMF code group). If this parameter is not
completed, the event is generated whenever any DTMF code is detected (default
value: Any).

Valid values:

0, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * # A B C D

any for any key (default value).

Separate the values with a comma to specify a group of codes.

Direction – define the call direction.

Valid values:

incoming – incoming calls
outgoing – outgoing calls
any – both directions

The parameter is optional, the default value is


