Allen&Heath 21 Series User Manual
Series, Allen & heath’s new stereo 21
Allen & Heath’s new
stereo 21
Allen & Heath proudly unveil their exciting
new range of compact stereo mixers - the
21 SERIES. Stylish in looks and superb in
performance, these four models offer outstanding
value for money.
Available in 6, 12, 18 and 24 input versions, the
21 SERIES boasts the useful feature of a separate
mono output derived from the main stereo mix.
Another Plus is the incorporation of an extensive
interface facility to ensure accurate compatibility
with external equipment, and enables two or more
mixers to be linked together for single flexible
operation. A separate power supply unit keeps
nasty hum fields at bay, letting the sound come
through clean and clear.
The 21 SERIES Stereo Mixers by Allen & Heath
are available now.
69 Ship Street
Brighton BNl 1AE
Tel, (0273) 24928
Five Connair Road
Orange) CT 0477
Tel. (203) 795 3594