chiliGREEN CBL21 User Manual

Page 64

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Exit Saving Changes

Allows the user to save changes to NV Storage and reboot system. The following

message is prompted when user press “Enter” on the item.

Exit Saving Changes?

[Yes] [No]

Yes: Save Changes, Exit SETUP and reboot

No: Back to previous screen

* Due to the PBLXX have support Intel fast boot feature, so the system will run cold


Exit Discarding Changes

Allows the user to discard changes and continue the boot operation. The following

message is prompted when user press “Enter” on the item.

Exit Discarding Changes?

[Yes] [No]

Yes: Discard Changes and Continue the boot operation.

No: Back to previous screen

Load Optimal Defaults

Allows the user loads default value in CMOS Setup. The following message is

prompted when user press “Enter” on this item:

Load Optimal Defaults?

[Yes] [No]

It still stay in Setup when press a key.

Help information:

Exit Saving Changes

Exit system setup and save your changes.
