Doug Fleenor Design Marconi LV User Manual

Marconi lv wireless dmx receiver, Doug fleenor design, inc

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Marconi LV Wireless DMX Receiver

The Marconi W ireless DMX Receiver (Marconi LV) receives all 512 channels (one universe) of
DMX512 using 2.4 GHz spread spectrum technology. Power in and DMX out are provided on 10"
pigtails with a chassis m ounted 'through' connector provided for power. The Marconi LV m ay be
powered by any 4-pin fem ale XLR port (LED or Color Scroller power supply) that uses pins 1 and
4 for power, or by an optional 'wall wart' adapter. The power 'through' connector passes all four pins
through so the user does not lose the use of the XLR port from which power is taken.

Marconi products use the W -DMX system (invented by W ireless Solutions in Sweden) which allows
up to 16 transm itters and any num ber of receivers to be used sim ultaneously in a single venue.
Since any Marconi receiver can listen to any W -DMX transm itter, there has to be a way to tell each
receiver which transm itter to listen to. This is accom plished by Assigning or Linking the Marconi to
a transm itter. The transm itter assignm ent inform ation is held in non-volatile m em ory so if the user
has only one W -DMX transm itter (or keeps his system s separate), the configuration process
described below will only have to be done once.

To assign (link, bind, etc.) the M arconi receiver to a transm itter:
Both the Marconi LV and W -DMX transm itter m ust be powered up and within range of each other.
Using a paper clip, press and hold the recessed CONFIG button on the Marconi LV until the ASSIGNED indicator goes off

(about 5 seconds). This will unassign the Marconi LV from any other transm itter.

On the W -DMX transm itter this receiver is to listen to, press and release the configuration button. (This button m ay be labeled

CONFIG, LINK, ASSIGN, FUNCTION, etc. depending on the m anufacturer). The W -DMX transm itter will then
broadcast a signal telling all unassigned W -DMX receivers, to assign them selves to this transm itter.

If successful, the Marconi LV ASSIGNED and RF LINK indicators will illum inate.


Output circuit: EIA-485 slew rate lim ited driver protected by two self resetting fuses and two transient absorbing diodes.



Gold plated 5 pin Neutrik Pin 1: Com m on, Pin 2: Data-, Pin 3: Data+, Pins 4&5: n/c


Gold plated 4 pin Neutrik Pin 1: Power, Pins 2&3: connected through, Pin 4: Power


Gold plated Reverse Polarity SMA connector


A 2dB whip antenna is supplied. Gain antennas are available to increase the reception range.

User controls:

Recessed CONFIG button. Activated using bent paper clip (not supplied).





ASSIGNED, illum inates when the unit is assigned to a transm itter

Yellow: RF LINK, illum inates when the assigned transm itter is on and within range
Green: DMX512, illum inates when DMX512 is available at the output

Power in:

12 to 24 VDC or 9 to 18 VAC, 100 m A, Polarity independent (internal diode bridge)


Black with laser engraved nom enclature

Size & weight:

1.5"h X 4.75"d X 3.5"w, 1 pound


A screw and fender washer are provided to m ount the Marconi LV to the handle of an LED300 power supply
A 1/2" hole is provided for C clam p or half coupler m ounting
Two 3/8" X 3/4" slots are provided for safety cables or other m ounting techniques.

Doug Fleenor Design, Inc.

396 Corbett Canyon Road
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
(805) 481-9599 voice and FAX
(888) 4-DMX512 toll free (888) 436-9512
web site:
e-m ail: info@
