Practical Instrument Electronics 531 User Manual

20 milliamp loop calibrator, Model 531, Operating instructions

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Pr act ical In st r u m en t

Elect r o n ics

Model 531

4-20 Milliamp Loop Calibrator

Operating Instructions

82 E. Main Street Suite 3.14 · Webster, NY 14580

Tel: 585-872-9350 · Fax: 585-872-2638

[email protected] ·

Practical Instrument Electronics, Inc. Copyright ã 2011. All rights reserved.

531-9002 Rev B 7/13/11


Basic Keypad Operations


EZ-Check™ Switch

SOURCE mode: Slide the switch to select from Hi and low range pre-

set values and the mid ranger (Dial) is selectable. Dial the mid range

value and it will store the value with-in 5 seconds automatically.

READ mode: Slide the switch to recall minimum and maximum

readings. Press the EZ-Dial™ Knob to clear the stored values.



Slide the SOURCE/OFF/READ Switch to SOURCE to

output a mA signal and to do 2 - wire transmitter

simulation. Use the READ position to read mA signal and

power & measure 2 – wire transmitter.


EZ-Dial™ Knob

Turn the knob to change display in 0.01mA increments.

Push and turn for faster dialing. Push without turning to

clear EZ-Check™ HI/LO points in READ mode.

Press twice to select options:

In Source mode select –
% or mA
2-Wire Transmitter Simulate
% or mA
low power (15V) or High power (24V)

In Read mode select -
% or mA
Power and Measure 2-Wire Transmitter
% or mA
low power (15V) or High power (24V)

HART® Protocol

An internal jumper enables the Power & Measure 2 – wire

transmitter mode to be compatible with HART®

communicators and transmitters.

EZ-Dial™ Knob

Adjust the output up and down with the EZ-DialÔ knob. The increment is 0.01 mA (or 0.1 % if display units are % of 4-20 mA.)

Press while turning to adjust 10X faster – 0.10 mA (or 1.00 %.)

Quick Reference Bar Graph

The Quick Reference Bar Graph indicates the input and output level to the Model 531 in % of 4-20 mA with 1.0% resolution. If the

input or output signal is outside the normal operating range of the Model 531 the Quick Reference Bar Graph in source mode will

flash, in Read mode display over range when above 24.5mA.

Error Conditions

Bar Graph will flash when any error conditions exist.

HART® Protocol

Remove the back of the case and remove the jumper that is located in position J6 on the PC board. By doing so it places a 250Ω

resister in series with the output of the model 531. This internal resister eliminates the need to add an external load resister when

communicating with a HART® transmitter. This reduces the typical drive capability to 950Ω.

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